It may come as no surprise to hear that threats to cyber security on your business are constantly changing. Even if you install the latest cyber prevention systems, they will eventually become redundant with advanced intelligence and new threats coming in.
To minimise the risks to your business, you need to be incredibly vigilant – and you will never be able to ensure that you are 100% safe from an imminent attack.
What if you could drastically reduce the biggest threat to your cybersecurity?
We’re only human
Human behaviour is still the biggest threat to a business when it comes to breaches in cybersecurity. Lack of education amongst employees in spotting disingenuous content constantly puts businesses in a vulnerable situation.
Statistics show that half of UK workers allow family and friends to access work devices and only a third of the UK workforce using different passwords for different accounts. It’s not hard to see why.
Businesses need to not only safeguard their systems, but they also need to equip their employees with the knowledge of how to deal with suspicious looking emails, random invitations or strange pop-ups appearing on their computer screens.
Naturally, as people, we want to follow the path of least resistance to get results in our daily working lives, but often that can mean not fully following cybersecurity policy. Cybercriminals are attuned to this and waste no time in exploiting the ignorance of employees by taking the easy option, such as sending simple phishing attacks. The majority of these are sent to Microsoft to harvest Office 365 credentials.
The sensible solution for businesses is to enrol employees on a cybersecurity awareness course.
Traditionally, these have been tick-box exercises which staff work through – but how much does this demonstrate their understanding of the potential dangers of an attack?
Another option that has stepped up to the plate is the CYBSAFE training initiative.
Why use CYBSAFE?
Based in London, this cybersecurity company offers training with a difference.
This employee training programme in cybersecurity awareness takes a four-pronged approach fusing psychology and behavioural science with artificial intelligence and data science. The clever ‘AI machine learning’ means that the programme grows with the user and delivers tailored software experiences for its users over time, ensuring you get a return on investment for your staff’s learning.
Its cloud-based SaaS platform sees the end to tick-box learning, addressing the human risk more effectively. The software ensures not only the administration of cyber security awareness but also data protection and privacy awareness, thus further reducing costs to the business.
The intelligent training programme will ensure staff understand how to stay safe online; not only within your business but also outside of work. Another plus side of this clever programme is that as an employer, you’re able to keep an eye on the progress staff are making by navigating the employee/company champion dashboard.
The dashboard is easy to navigate and understand and enables employers to see the current level of knowledge of their staff and how much they have ‘bought in’ to the process. In turn, this should result in a positive culture within the company when it comes to cybersecurity.
The training content is accredited by the GCHQ Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), and the Institute of Information Security Professionals (IISP), so you can be safe in the knowledge that the training has had the stamp of approval. Staff will receive accreditation in Cybsafe Certificate in Cyber Awareness (CCCA) which in turn will earn them credits against their ‘Continuous Professional Development’ (CPD).
Strength in employee awareness will, in turn, strengthen your company defences if or indeed when, a security breach happens within your business.
So ask yourself… ‘Why wouldn’t I want that?’